Tuesday, July 28, 2015


aka, "Maya has no friends, Frankie takes advantage of her dad's money, Imogen realizes not everyone has cool families"
Episode 15, Season 14
Original Air Date: 7/21/2015
Main Storyline Character: Frankie Hollingsworth, Imogen Moreno, Maya Matlin,

Previously on Degrassi:
-Zig has been living with Maya because most teens in this show have bad home lives. His just involves drug dealers and leaving gangs.
-Imogen and Jack have been dating for awhile now.
-Frankie's dad is an asshole in many ways, some of which include: he's a politician, he openly allows Miles to drink and smoke weed, he beat his son (Miles), he cheats on his wife, he's homophobic, he wanted Frankie to take the blame for Degrassi Nudes in front of the press so that he could look good for his election...among other things I'm sure I'm forgetting. A real blue-ribbon guy!

Ok, so I am relieved to tell you Winston is mostly out of the story line in this episode! We get to have the Winston-cheated-on-Frankie-but-cannot-tell-her storyline placed on the back burner, despite Frankie being a key player here.

It's Frankie's 15th birthday and even though she has a twin brother, apparently only she gets a party or maybe her brother doesn't have enough friends to warrant a party. It's Gatsby-themed, which was clearly decided upon by someone who hasn't read the book because for anyone who has, it's just awful. But it does make a helluva party theme, so Frankie steps out into her pool/patio area with the awestruck "OH MY GATSBY!" (best quote) at the amazing decor, which consists of a gramophone on a pool deck.  Frankie's grateful for everything her mom did to decorate and the amazing vintage dress she gives her, but insists on a champagne fountain since it's themed. Her mom, unlike her father, tells her she's only 15 and remember? 15 year olds can't drink legally. Not even in Canada. And her brother insists there was prohibition in the Gatsby era but guess what Hunter, people drank in the 20s so go play video games somewhere else, GAWD.

Mr. Hollingsworth shows up and Frankie doesn't want him there, but he bears gifts! I totally forget that it's Hunter's birthday, too, with him being a twin and all, and I assume his gift was just Mr. Hollingsworth sucking up to both kids. That's just how forgettable Hunter is. Hunter opens his gift, a watch that he appraises at $2,000, and Frankie dismisses her gift without even opening it, saying that her dad can't "buy" her. Yeah, he is an asshole for beating up your brother Miles. And cheating on your mom. And encouraging teen drinking. Maybe you should ask him for the champagne fountain?

Mrs. Hollingsworth says Frankie is being too harsh, that "he's still your dad." Um, who ruined your family? No, I could dismiss him as just some deadbeat, but go ahead and continue to refer to him as part of your family, even if he isn't living in your home or being a member of this family at all.

Frankie goes to school and is all "ugh, DADS, amirite?" and Shay and Lola are like "You have to make him pay...with money." And since these kids aren't allowed phones in school, we are treated to the sight of all three of them using the only existing payphone in Toronto, located at Degrassi, to call Frankie's dad and ask for all sorts of things, like a photographer. palm trees, a candy table and (Lola insists) a pony. Usual party stuff. Since Mr. Hollingsworth is out of touch, he assumes these are all normal requests and gives Frankie his credit card number over the phone to buy everything. EVEN THE PONY.

We cut to the Hollingsworth home and there is a fabulous party with streamers and balloons and a gramophone on the pool deck, indicating this is a real party. And, not disappointing Lola, there is A PONY. Winston even grants us the gem quote "It's like a party barfed up another party!" They enjoy the awesomeness, and Hunter sits in a corner playing video games with headphones (no joke) until Mr. Hollingsworth shows up, and Frankie is pissed. She just wants your money, not your guilt love! Then he makes a big (kinda sweet) speech about how he remembers having twins (even though he forgets completely about Hunter in the next 5 mins) and how Frankie was bullied at age 6 and he tried to give her advice and she was all "If I wanted your advice I would've asked for it." Damn, girl. Age six! Winston tells her that he's sweet, and she says "he's not that person anymore." Yeah, because he cheats on his wife, beats his kids...oh you all get it by now. Frankie grabs Winston and they ditch the party right as he toasts his twins, adding Hunter on at the last minute presumably because he forgot that his 2nd son existed for a moment there.

Winston and Frankie are now on the Hollingsworth private jet. Frankie suggests going to Paris and the pilot jokes about how little fuel this jet will carry, so she suggests Montreal instead. The pilot says he needs to fill a flight plan, and then they're off! When the pilot leaves, Frankie turns and says "Montreal is fun, Winston. BAGELS!" As though that were the best thing the city can offer. Mrs. Hollingsworth shows up and tells Winston to leave so she can chat with Frankie. "I don't understand, Frankie, you got everything you wanted today." "Yeah, and one thing I didn't." Was it bagels? You didn't get bagels? Oh, your dad. You got your shitty dad. Gotcha.

Mrs. Hollingsworth seemingly didn't remember any of last season of Degrassi and claims that the Mr. just wants to be part of Frankie's life. Do you not remember seeing him beat your son? Or being an asshole politician who does anything just to win the campaign? Or cheating on you? No? Ok, then go on. Mrs. Hollingsworth says it's cool that Frankie can avoid her dad, but Frankie has to be the one to tell him. Oh, and Frankie's grounded, because this world is cruel.

Frankie tells her dad he's an asshole, or rather "I don't want to spend time with you anymore." Just lay it on thick, Frankie! He doesn't give a shit! He'd murder you for votes in his election! She brings up that he almost forced her to be a scapegoat for the Degrassi Nudes scandal, which I totally forgot about, since all his jerk-ness overshadowed that. He wanted her to do so in front of the press when they caught wind of the story, so that his kids would look like humble "I take the blame for my actions" kind of kids, even though she was in no way responsible. Turns out the gift he gave her earlier was a necklace, from his grandmother in the 20s, to go with her dress.  She kind of makes up with him, as long as he doesn't try to buy her and drop in randomly without invitation. Ugh, stop giving this dude 2nd chances. Was the cheating/abusing/lying/being a politician NOT ENOUGH!?  She keeps the necklace because she DESERVES that necklace.

Meanwhile, in the awesome feminist land of Imogen and Jack, the two lovebirds are walking down the hallway when creeper Damon makes lecherous remarks about them making out for his amusement. Imogen, who brings real current event issues to the forefront (bisexuality, sexist school dress codes) with one of the most likeable characters to date, isn't having ANY OF THAT. After Damon tells her to "take a breath," she shoves him, doing little damage. "Feisty, I like it! Do it again!" "If you insist" and then she knees him in the crotch. FUCK YEAH IMOGEN!

Mrs. Pill of course witnesses this act of violence, and calls Jack and Imogen into her office. Imogen very calmly and intelligently (gosh I just love her) explains how Damon was making homophobic remarks and therefore they felt victimized. Mrs. Pill says that if that's true, then parents need to get involved: Damen's, Jack's and Imogen's. Why Jack's and Imogen's need to, I am not sure, but clearly this upsets Jack as her facial expression turns to a look of panic. Imogen is all about calling up the parents. She'd probably organize a petition and a rally and flyers and the whole thing, too, if it weren't already brought to Mrs. Pill's attention. Jack, however, says "no," as in "it was just a dumb boy mouthing off." Imogen insists the security cam footage would show otherwise, but eventually they are dismissed from Mrs. Pill's office with no actions planned, since there are conflicting stories. Clearly Jack hasn't come out to her parents, but Imogen is oblivious to this and thinks that Jack is just being stubborn and non-activist for some reason.

Imogen complains to Claire and Eli over cupcakes, and they aren't sure why Jack wouldn't want to complain about the hallway incident. C'mon, Imogen. You're so aware of blatant sexism and discrimination in the world around you, but not of something as simple as your girlfriend not being out to her parents?

Imogen goes over to Jack's house and the typical "I'm Imogen, I'm Jack's--" "Best friend! She's my friend" cut-off conversation happens between Imogen and Jack to Mrs. Jones, making it finally clear to Imogen what's going on. Imogen leaves in a huff. She's a senior and doesn't want any of this in-the-closet bullshit.

Over in Matlin-land, Maya has realized that she has no friends, as evidenced when she doesn't have anyone to invite to a spa day that her mom got her. Not even one person? Well, I guess your frienemy Zoe is in detention for hosting a CHILD PORNOGRAPHY RING so yeah, time to make some new ones. Maya is also oblivious to Zig's more weighing problems, since she's all "ugh I have no friends for this SPA day!" and Zig's all "I found this bandana in the house after we were robbed, which means the gang could retaliate and we should call the cops." But Maya's the featured character this week, so Zig's problems go on the back burner while she needs to figure out who she's gonna get a mani/pedi with!

Maya decides to go to blue-haired Grace, who asks her about the recent break-in. Maya shares they have a new security system, and Grace, since she has blue hair and loves computers, says "tell me you didn't use your birthday as the code." Maya most definitely did use her bday, and not the recommended GJ7B!X. So much to learn, that baby Matlin. She tells Grace she "literally has no one else to bring" to the spa, and Grace says "I'll pass."

Maya goes to the spa with no one in tow, requesting that the receptionist doesn't refund the "plus one" from the certificate, lest her mother find out she has no friends. I would be more concerned with the kids at school thinking that, and not your mom, but okay. She mumbles and bumbles to the receptionist about not having friends until Zig shows up and tells her he wants his "nails did." They go to the pedicure chairs and discuss how Maya sucks at inviting people to things by telling them that they are her last resort and she's all "man, I'm bad with girls!"  I think you're just bad with people, seeing as that you think musicals un-stab friends and pedicures are more important than impending gang-related violence.

Zig wants to move out because he's afraid the gang stuff will affect the Matlin household and put Maya in danger. Maya refuses to let him leave because he helped her get over her ex-boyfriend committing suicide. They agree he should stay at the Matlin's in the mean time, not tell the cops about any gang-related leads in the recent robbing, and just wait to see if everything will blow over in time (hint: it probably won't!)

Maya goes to school the next day to apologize to Grace. She admit's she is afraid to tell people how she really feels, since they may "go running for the hills." Well, they all pretty much have, or they've been convicted of running a child porn ring, so Grace should probably tread lightly here. Maya asks Grace if she'd come over some time to do their nails, since Maya can't cater to a crowd and doesn't want to invite Grace over to learn HTML or have a LAN party or whatever. Grace scoffs at the hot pink polish Maya holds up, but when Maya switches to the other hand, which holds navy blue polish, Grace is ALL IN. It'll match her hair! Maya insists her life is so crazy right now. Is it because there's a gang threatening your family's safety? Is it because Zig might be in serious trouble? Is it because there's a random boy from school living at your house? No, Grace points out, it's because Maya's totally crushin' on Zig! Whaaaaat!!! Cue the slow-zoom on Maya's face when she's all "oh yeah you are RIGHT!" I thought we had this storyline a few seasons ago and we figured out Zig and Maya were just platonic friends. The writers seemed to have forgotten, so let's give it a whirl again!

Lesson Learned: Playing "BBHMM" by Rihanna to your deadbeat dad can be effective for affection, always have high standards for a loving relationship, and always match nail polish to hair color.

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