Monday, August 10, 2015

"Finally" song

Almost all episodes are named after a popular 80s song, with the later seasons named after 90s and 2000s songs.

Season 14, Episodes 23 and 24 are named after "Finally" by CeCe Peniston.

The song is about a woman who finally finds the man of her dreams, but he doesn't know she loves him.

"But now you've come along and brightened up my world. In my heart I feel it, I'm that special kinda girl."

Full lyrics can be found here.


"Finally, Part 2"

"Finally, Part 2"
aka, "The prom boat and graduation episode"
Episode 24, Season 14
Original Air Date: 7/31/2014
Main Storyline Character: Drew Torres, Claire Edwards, Imogen Moreno

Normally I cluster the storylines together by character, but this episode has the storylines weaving together a bit, so I went in the order that it was presented on screen.

Previously on Degrassi:
-Drew got banned from prom after prom-posing to Becky and delaying their final exam.
-Eli asked Clare to move in with him when he goes to NYC, but she doesn't want to be the kind of girl who follows a boy.
-Imogen decided she wanted to get back together with Jack.
-Dallas booked the prom boat on the wrong day, so he enlisted Drew to help him.

So here we find ourselves at the end. Or at least, the American TV end. Degrassi will apparently continue on Canadian TV, but here in the US we're going to have to watch it on Netflix. We're saying goodbye to all the characters who have interacted with the original cast of this show, circa 2000. That means that the characters who graduate in this episode are the last to have known Spinner Mason, Emma Nelson, Manny Santos, and Liberty Van Zandt, since those characters were still in season 9, when the newbies were introduced.  All the remaining characters who will be left after this graduation never knew the aforementioned people. It's an emotional rollercoaster! I was definitely tearing up towards the last, oh, 15 minutes of this episode.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

"Finally, Part 1"

"Finally, Part 1"
aka, "The prom boat episode"
Episode 23, Season 14
Original Air Date: 7/31/2015
Main Storyline Character: Drew Torres, Clare Edwards, Miles Hollingsworth

Normally I cluster the storylines together by character, but this episode has the storylines weaving together a bit, so I went in the order that it was presented on screen.

Previously on Degrassi:
-Drew is single for the first time in his life.
-Imogen broke up with Jack because Jack was too afraid to come out to her parents.
-Drew and Clare hooked up a while back and when she got pregnant she thought it was his, but then she later found out it was Eli's.

Prom has finally arrived, and it's finally the last episode (or part one of the last episode) of Degrassi to air on tv. They should call this episode "Finally!" Oh, looks like they did.

Friday, August 7, 2015

"The Kids Aren't Alright" song

Almost all episodes are named after a popular 80s song, with the later seasons named after 90s and 2000s songs.

Season 14, Episodes 21 and 22 are named after "The Kids Aren't Alright" by The Offspring.

The song appears to be from an adult's perspective about how childhood was simple and innocent, and once he and his neighbors grew up, they all experienced personal troubles.

"What the hell is going on? The cruelest dream, reality."

Full lyrics can be found here.

"The Kids Aren't Alright, Part 2"

"The Kids Aren't Alright, Part 2"
aka, "Zig deals with turf wars, Winston's play finally happens, Becky deals with knowing about Jonah's past"
Episode 22, Season 14
Original Air Date: 7/20/2015
Main Storyline Character: Zig Novak, Frankie Hollingsworth, Becky Baker.

Normally I cluster the storylines together by character, but this episode has the storylines weaving together a bit, so I went in the order that it was presented on screen.

Previously on Degrassi:
-Becky saw Jonah get a beat down from Zig for owing tons of money.
-Zig discovers that a friend of Damon's (Jason) is threatening him, Tiny, Vince and Maya for Damon getting shot.
-Frankie quit the play, but Imogen finds out that the play may not go on as planned due to the recent threats to Zig.

At Vince's apartment, he lays down the ground rules, since threats are swirling around the interwebs. They can't take Moss street. They have to walk in the middle of the road, looking non-threatening (maybe change out of your black shirt to something more Drew-like and colorful?).  Vince in general is being very un-Vince-like, since he's the one pushing for everyone to stand down and let this all blow over. Zig is being un-Zig-like and wants to retaliate. Did I miss the Freaky Friday episode or something? Remember, Vince was the one who SHOT A DUDE and made this all happen. Now he wants to lay low. Okay, as long as you don't go off shooting Jason or whoever tickles your fancy. Also, Vince wants to attend the musical to see Zig perform. Again, when was the Freaky Friday episode? "Keep yourself in check," Vince warns. And God forbid you take Moss street! Vince, he'll go to musical rehearsal and how about you don't go shooting anyone or selling drugs, ok?

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

"The Kids Aren't Alright, Part 1"

"The Kids Aren't Alright, Part 1"
aka, "Zig assumes he is guilty of all crimes, Frankie baits Winston, Becky removes her rose-colored Jonah glasses"
Episode 21, Season 14
Original Air Date: 7/29/2015
Main Storyline Character: Zig Novak, Frankie Hollingsworth, Becky Baker.

Normally I cluster the storylines together by character, but this episode has the storylines weaving together a bit, so I went in the order that it was presented on screen.

Previously on Degrassi:
-Winston and Lola kissed. Like, I GET it...but Frankie needs to move on from this.
-Zig was out with Vince and Tiny when they were "running an errand." Gunshots went off and Zig picked up the boys and drove off.
-Becky used to date Drew, like ages ago. But he still hasn't moved on.

We start the episode with Winston, Zig, Frankie, Shay and a handful of other nameless students waiting to get into the gym. Apparently Imogen sent out a text to all about an early emergency play rehearsal with zillions of emojis. What emojis, though? The dancing lady? The happy face with heart-eyes? The happy face puking? It's so open to interpretation! Imogen bursts through the gym doors to the hall, "Not to worry my little chickens! All will be revealed!" She leads them into the gym and it looks spectacular...there are complete sets for the science lab and the cityscape. Winston nearly tears up, saying it's everything he could have ever imagined. Imogen can work her stage magic and make anything happen. Why ever doubt her?

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

"Teen Age Riot/Buy Her Candy" song

Almost all episodes are named after a popular 80s song, with the later seasons named after 90s and 2000s songs.

Season 14, Episode 20 has two names. The songs it is named after are "Teenage Riot" by Sonic Youth and "Buy Her Candy" by Sleater-Kinney. 

Teen Age Riot
The song was supposedly written about a fantasy world where J Mascis is president.

"Everybody wants to be proud to choose, so who's to take the blame for the stormy weather."

Full lyrics can be found here.

Buy Her Candy

The song is about a person who loves a famous woman. 

"She is selfish, she is kind. No one can say 'she is mine.'"

Full lyrics can be found here.


"Teen Age Riot/Buy Her Candy"

"Teen Age Riot/Buy Her Candy"
aka, "Clare gets her groove back, Frankie pities her mom, Zig has the sex"
Episode 20, Season 14
Original Air Date: 7/28/2015
Main Storyline Character: Clare Edwards, Frankie Hollingsworth, Zig Novak

For whatever reason, this episode has two names.

Previously on Degrassi:
-Clare lost her baby.
-Mr. and Mrs. Hollingsworth are going through a divorce, basically because Mr. Hollingsworth is a horrible human being.
-Zig and Maya are in loooooove.

In this episode, we have some justification for everyone's hatred towards Mrs. Pill, we get the old Clare back, Frankie decides she can be independent, and Zig and Maya star in an after school special.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

"I Wanna Be Adored" Song

Almost all episodes are named after a popular 80s song, with the later seasons named after 90s and 2000s songs.

Season 14, Episode 19 is named after "I Wanna Be Adored" by Stone Roses.

The song is simply about a person who wants to be adored. 

"I don't need to sell my soul; he's already in me."

Full lyrics can be found here.


"I Wanna Be Adored"

"I Wanna Be Adored"
aka, "Alli and Clare become friends again, Tristan finds a new boyfriend, Zig learns a lesson of personal responsibilty"
Episode 19, Season 14
Original Air Date: 7/27/15
Main Storyline Character: Alli Bhandari, Tristan Milligan, Zig Novak

Previously on Degrassi:
-Alli and Clare were are best friends, but we haven't seen them together very much since Clare got pregnant.
-Tristan once dated Miles, until Miles found better things to do with his time.
-Zig and Maya kissed, now he has to find a new home.

We open on Alli giving Dallas, Jenna, Drew and Connor a tour of some elaborate living diorama of the prom theme that she and Clare have been planning since freshman year (I don't remember any of this discussion). However, Clare is noticeably absent. There are twinkly lights, bistro tables, a big "Starry Night" backdrop a la Van Gogh, and about 20 random students acting as students at a dance, complete with dresses and suits. Haven't they already done a Paris-themed dance on this show before? Dallas is obligated to agree that it's romantic, given that it's his GF giving the tour, but Drew finds it so boring. He just ain't feeling the romance since Becky went away. He just wants a BOAT! How about a boat? You want a boat? You want a boat? They all vote and boat wins! Prom is being held on a boat. Alli put all that effort in and it was vetoed for "boat" in all of 30 seconds. Nice try!

Alli dismisses her 20 minion actors to go change clothes and attend class that they were missing for the strangest reason. She then tells Dallas that she just wanted prom to be PERFECT but now Drew ruined it! Maybe she can get a plank! But Alli, my prom was on a boat and it was great. I think you're underestimating the power of a boat. Dallas believes it'll be fun as long as they're "all together." Dude, why'd you have to say that? Now I feel like someone's gonna die! You just jinxed it for all of us.

Friday, July 31, 2015

"Give Me One Reason" song

Almost all episodes are named after a popular 80s song, with the later seasons named after 90s and 2000s songs.

Season 14, Episode 18 is named after "Give me one reason" by Tracy Chapman.

The song is about a person who loves someone who won't love her back. 

"This youthful heart can love you, oh, and give you what you need, but I'm too old to go chasing you around wasting my precious energy."

Full lyrics can be found here.

Embed music video.

"Give Me One Reason"

"Give Me One Reason"
aka, "Clare has a stillborn, Maya is a model child, Hunter will be a horrible boyfriend"
Episode 18, Season 14
Original Air Date: 7/24/2015
Main Storyline Character: Clare Edwards, Maya Matlin, Hunter Hollingsworth

Previously on Degrassi:
-Zig and Maya kissed!
-Clare and Eli found out their to-be-born baby doesn't have a heartbeat.

This episode is a huge come-down from the previous. Last episode we had hormones raging in every way possible, and major drama on the Clare/Eli front. This episode, not so much. It mellows out with Maya and Zig, but the Clare/Eli storyline is heartbreaking. And the Hunter storyline is...well, not very thrilling at all.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

"Get It Together" song

Almost all episodes are named after a popular 80s song, with the later seasons named after 90s and 2000s songs.

Season 14, Episode 17 is named after "Get It Together" by 702.

The song is about a person who wants to break up with her significant other for not loving her back, but is torn because it's difficult to let them go.

"You don't know the pain that I feel, you've taken my love for granted, and you just wanna see it your way."

Full lyrics can be found here.

"Get It Together"

"Get It Together"
aka, "Becky wants sex, Maya wants Zig, Clare can't handle children"
Episode 17, Season 14
Original Air Date: 7/23/2015
Main Storyline Character: Becky Baker, Maya Matlin, Clare Edwards

Previously on Degrassi:
-Tristan had an affair with a teacher, Mr. Yates...Tristan, more like TRYSTan. Get it? Maya thought it was gross because dude, teachers with students? Talk about pervs. She told Mr. Simpson and got Mr. Yates fired.
-Tristan later started dating Miles, who previously dated Maya at one point. Maya became overly concerned for Miles because he started smoking pot and she is a worrywart. She was such a pest that Miles drudged up some old feelings for her and broke up with Tristan. Tristan was all "WHY WON'T YOU LET ME HAVE ANYTHING NICE!?"

Wow. Much like Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, this episode is very hormonal. It's like the writers remembered that these kids are teenagers and they had to catch up on all of the sex. Let's take a look, shall we?

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

"Walking in my Shoes" song

Almost all episodes are named after a popular 80s song, with the later seasons named after 90s and 2000s songs.

Season 14, Episode 16 is named after "Walking in my Shoes" by Depeche Mode.

The song is about someone who knows he did some terrible things, but begs the listener to not accuse before looking at things from his perspective, because he knows they would make the same choices.

"You'll stumble in my footsteps, keep the same appointments I kept."

Full lyrics can be found here.


"Walking in my Shoes"

"Walking in my Shoes"
aka, "Zoe opens a black market, Imogen can't be with a closeted teen, Frankie finds out her BF is cheating"
Episode 16, Season 14
Original Air Date: 7/22/2015
Main Storyline Character: Zoe Rivas, Frankie Hollingsworth, Imogen Moreno

Previously on Degrassi:
-Imogen found out that Jack isn't out to her parents, which makes for an angry Imogen.
-Zoe had a child porn ring (I KNOW! It gets me every time) and now needs to repent.
-Lola and Winston kissed behind Frankie's back, mostly at the fault of Winston.

Zoe, Zoe, Zoe. When will you ever learn? Your child pornography ring landed you a court date and you need to show some remorse, but instead you decide to do some stupid stuff. Zoe's parole officer or whatever tells her that she needs to do some community service. Not as punishment, mind you, but just to show the judge that she feels guilty about being a horrible person. She has to put on a hair net and work in the school cafeteria! Serving food to kids who hate her! This is like Spinner getting punished for (in a roundabout way) causing the school shooting way back when.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

"Wishlist" song

Almost all episodes are named after a popular 80s song, with the later seasons named after 90s and 2000s songs.

Season 14, Episode 15 is named after "Wishlist" by Pearl Jam.

The song is about a person who wishes he meant more to someone, but instead feels like nothing.

"I wish I was the verb 'to trust' and never let you down."

Full lyrics can be found here.



aka, "Maya has no friends, Frankie takes advantage of her dad's money, Imogen realizes not everyone has cool families"
Episode 15, Season 14
Original Air Date: 7/21/2015
Main Storyline Character: Frankie Hollingsworth, Imogen Moreno, Maya Matlin,

Previously on Degrassi:
-Zig has been living with Maya because most teens in this show have bad home lives. His just involves drug dealers and leaving gangs.
-Imogen and Jack have been dating for awhile now.
-Frankie's dad is an asshole in many ways, some of which include: he's a politician, he openly allows Miles to drink and smoke weed, he beat his son (Miles), he cheats on his wife, he's homophobic, he wanted Frankie to take the blame for Degrassi Nudes in front of the press so that he could look good for his election...among other things I'm sure I'm forgetting. A real blue-ribbon guy!

Ok, so I am relieved to tell you Winston is mostly out of the story line in this episode! We get to have the Winston-cheated-on-Frankie-but-cannot-tell-her storyline placed on the back burner, despite Frankie being a key player here.

It's Frankie's 15th birthday and even though she has a twin brother, apparently only she gets a party or maybe her brother doesn't have enough friends to warrant a party. It's Gatsby-themed, which was clearly decided upon by someone who hasn't read the book because for anyone who has, it's just awful. But it does make a helluva party theme, so Frankie steps out into her pool/patio area with the awestruck "OH MY GATSBY!" (best quote) at the amazing decor, which consists of a gramophone on a pool deck.  Frankie's grateful for everything her mom did to decorate and the amazing vintage dress she gives her, but insists on a champagne fountain since it's themed. Her mom, unlike her father, tells her she's only 15 and remember? 15 year olds can't drink legally. Not even in Canada. And her brother insists there was prohibition in the Gatsby era but guess what Hunter, people drank in the 20s so go play video games somewhere else, GAWD.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

"Ready or Not" song

Almost all episodes are named after a popular 80s song, with the later seasons named after 90s and 2000s songs.

Season 14, Episode 14 is named after "Ready or Not" by The Fugees.

The song is about a guy commenting on his rough life in the ghetto. While his lifestyle could get him shot or in jail, he won't give it up.

"A born again hooligan only to be king again."

Full lyrics can be found here.


Saturday, July 25, 2015

"Ready Or Not"

"Ready or Not"
aka, "The one where the school musical temporarily fixes all problems"
Episode 14, Season 14
Original Air Date: 7/20/2015
Main Storyline Character: Clare Edwards, Zig Novak, Winston Chu

Previously on Degrassi:
-Clare and Eli did the horizontal hustle and got pregnant. Despite their recent breakup, have come to terms that they will be parents to this child.
-Zig was in Vince's gang until he decided that oh hey, living on the streets and dealing drugs is pretty bad, so he and Tiny are slowly stepping out that back door while trying not to get murdered.
-Tiny got stabbed by Damon because we need to stir up that gang drama.
-Winston is whiny and annoying and kissed Lola but doesn't want his girlfriend to know.

Clare and Eli will always be together. There is no one else that either of them could ever be with, no matter how hard the writers of this show will try. Circumstances change, yet they both still end up together. These two previously broke up because Clare slept with Drew, then when she got pregnant she thought it was Drew's, then when she did the math, she realized it was Eli's and oh snap, Eli doesn't like her anymore because she slept with another dude. But Eli is Eli and of course loves Clare, and Clare admitted Drew was a mistake (Drew is everyone's mistake. He's just a boy toy for everyone. Poor guy)

Friday, July 24, 2015

"Watch Out Now" song

Almost all episodes are named after a popular 80s song, with the later seasons named after 90s and 2000s songs.

Season 14, Episode 13 is named after "Watch Out Now" by The Beatnuts.

The song is about the singer flaunting his good looks and luck with the ladies. 

"Then I bag this chick, with a, 'Hi,' and the eye."

Full lyrics can be found here.

"Watch Out Now"

"Watch Out Now"
aka, "Reeling from yet another major Degrassi-disaster. Degraster."
Episode 13, Season 14
Original Air Date: 7/20/2015
Main Storyline Character: Winston Chu, Zoe Rivas, Becky Baker

Apologies as I'm doing a huge time jump to the current season, but this is the FINAL SEASON OF DEGRASSI!* Gotta cover this before it goes stale!

The summer premiere of Degrassi begins with new rules and a new regime. Before the episode begins, we even got a bit of a refresher of what happened in the previous half-season.

Previously on Degrassi:
-the Degrassi Nudes plan, on the Oomfchat app (ripoff of snapchat, where the cheerleaders raised money by selling pics of their boobs) was discovered by the school administration and these girls are in Trouble with a capital T.
-Miles gets mad that his dad is abusive and sets a poster on fire leading to a major fire at Degrassi. No one is hurt.

Much like Degrassi did after "All Falls Down" (ep. 24, season 10), the school is trying to make up for its students getting out of control. In that episode it was blowjobs in the boiler room and catching kids having sex during the Las Vegas-themed fundraiser (hey, they were just sticking with the theme). This time it is students selling nude pics aka child pornography and the school catching on fire.